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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fix That Leaky Faucet, Please

I guess no one is listening to me. You know what that means. Fix it myself!
When I moved to this place, there were only two faucets, one on each side of the house. That was not very adequate for a one-fifth acre parcel. Through the years I have added a few more faucets on each side of the house. As you can see I had to get a little innovative to get enough water hoses to various parts of the garden so I would not have to be "dragging hoses" all over the place. For the most part, it has worked for me. However, it takes a lot of my time.
But let me tell you I would jump with joy if there was an underground automatic watering system. Can you imagine what it would take with all the rock on this property? Actually, I have seen the large machinery and many many workers that it took when two of my neighbors started from scratch with new professional landscaping. Their properties are fabulous! And, the neighbors are equally - fabulous!
Let's get back to my faucets. All of them were leaking and I did not realize how much until I placed a bucket below the faucets. It was quite surprising!
So, I went to the Internet and googled "leaky faucet repair". I am such a fan of googling. I always find what I am looking for especially if it is home repair. I did not have to replace any washers just tighten everything snugly. No more leaky faucets! It's grand.
This is on one side of the house with a little basket to hold all of my different watering paraphernalia.
And this is the other side of the house. Notice the short hose that I made to fill the watering can. I works great! Yes, that is a Rain Bird timer on the wall. Unfortunately, the installer did I terrrible job. And it is near useless. It is too long a story to discuss. Also, I don't want to get upset.
In my "next life" I plan to delegate everything - and I mean everything! I will have someone fanning me to keep me cool and someone making sure I have a nice iced beverage at my side. I think that sounds like a good plan, don't you?

FYI - It is over 100 degrees today!!! Now let's go in for some lemonade.

One more thing - - - Let me leave you with a picture of the morning sky as I looked straight up from my patio early this morning. Just a click will enlarge the photo.

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