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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Two Of Us

Yes, you heard me correctly. It is true. The time has come that I wanted to share this happiness on my blog so that I can once again share about some of the activities that we enjoy together.

When I last blogged (September 10) about my relationship I really had no idea that it could be salvaged. But, My Special Man was terribly unhappy without me in his life and he has totally turned his life around and he is taking all the necessary steps to keep it that way. For the past six weeks I have been enjoying  a "new relationship". We are doing extremely well and we are having a lot of fun enjoying life together.  Everything has been going very smoothly and without conflict. And, his adult children are thrilled - and so am I.  At our age,  life really only gives us one day at a time. And, living like that really works for me.

With the recent medical events in my life it has been wonderful having a strong man by my side providing support and comfort. He will be taking me (two hours drive) to Sacramento Sutter Medical Center Hospital for my next medical appointment with the Orthopedic Shoulder Specialist.

Tomorrow, we are driving south (three hours drive) to visit my Granddaughter at her college. I am truly excited about seeing her and visiting with her and seeing her college. She is a freshman and she is doing very well given some very difficult family circumstances. She is getting excellent grades and has two jobs, one at a grocery store and one at a restaurant. She is so happy to be in college!  I am looking forward to introducing her to MSM.

I hope you have a Wonderful Weekend.

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Some Additional Special Photos


Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Family (2014)

Happy Family (2014)
Grandma Pride

Valentine's Day 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

Bud Mietz

Bud Mietz
1928 - 2014