Well, I guess I will try to make this as concise as I can but doubt that I can be as brief as I would like. I really don't like talking about my issues in life, especially physical problems. After all, everyone "has issues"! I work hard on focusing on the "GLASS HALF FULL " philosophy. However, a blog friend of mine has referred to me on her blog (which I appreciate) about our stations in life at the present time being "under construction".
It is time that I mention that I took a fall in my garage several days ago which involved twisting my spine, falling to the floor and hitting the back of my head. No symptoms of concussion but severe pain in arms and back. If you follow my blog, you will know why I say that I am thankful that I wasn't on the roof cleaning off the leaves! See -
I have always been extremely careful and this is the first time anything like this has happened to me. Even though I have a long history of spine problems including a failed lumbar surgery (including residual nerve damage disabilities), I continue to be as active as I can. I generally resist taking any narcotic pain medication. I do not like the side effects and I need to be able to function. At one time, I had a morphine pump for pain management. But, what good is it to have less pain if you are too lethargic to live a life with any meaning? Besides, I don't have anyone to take care of me. Wow, this is difficult to write about.
I am not a surgical candidate because of the severity of the cumulative trauma, aging (yes, that naughty word) and congenital abnormalities in my lumbar spine. And, my cervical spine is symptomatic (arm pain and numbness) but I do not have enough vertebral bone left to do a fusion unless they rebuild the spine with wire caging and donor bone. No thank you!
That is a snapshot of what I am living with. Hey, I am still alive and don't look too bad for 70 years of age. It is amazing how good a nice smile can make you look!!
Anyway - - - I have had to take narcotic pain medication to try to break the intensity of the pain cycle. It is helping. At least, that is what I am going to tell you.
Monday, I have an appointment with a Physiatrist (Rehab-Pain Specialist) to obtain current diagnostics and discuss any available current treatment modalities that I may not be aware of and that may have potential benefit for me. My "church family" have offered assistance and call frequently. I love those blessings. Oh, and Lily has been her ever loving self never annoyed with me and giving lots and lots of love - love - and more love! Aren't pets fabulous?
Previously, I said that I can not live without my "little red wagon" and this is one of the reasons. Right now (more than ever) I have to eliminate any lifting and carrying that isn't absolutely necessary.
I am a strong person and in my heart I know that before long, I'll be up and running again! Thank you
Sara for your kindness and support. It is greatly appreciated.