Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Days Are Looooong

I will be so happy when this recovery time is further along - for both Lily and me.

Lily is at the Vet office having more testing to see if the current treatment is having a positive impact. I sure hope so. She has become a fussy eater. Yesterday  she would not eat her food so I made her a scrambled egg and cut it into very tiny pieces and mixed it with her regular food. She methodically picked each piece of dog food out of the bowl and set it on the floor next to the bowl. Along the way she was eating the egg and seemed to savor every bite. She licked the plate clean. She drinks a lot of water which is to be expected. The diuretic is causing her to have a few accidents, mostly when she is sleeping or when she is waking up. Poor little girl! She is so sweet and continues to be loving even though she isn't feeling all that good.

Today's Vet bill will probably be another "whopper". Lab work, X-rays, Cardiograms, etc. do not come cheap! I don't know what I would do if I wasn't getting help paying for her care. I am very grateful!

My friend took her to the Vet early this morning and I will go with him when she is ready to be picked up so I can talk with the Vet about her status and prognosis. This is a very "nerve racking" time for me. And, I am tired of lugging this purple cast around. I am still having to avoid any weight bearing with my right foot/leg.
I know the challenging times help a person to enjoy the good times to their fullest.

I hear my garden calling out to me. From the house windows I can see how thirsty a lot of my garden is getting. Especially with our temperatures flirting with over 100 degrees.

My lilies fell over from the winds and broke off because I wasn't able to stake them. Thus, they were not able to open their blooms like last year as shown in the above photo. Next year will be different!

However, a wonderful thing is happening in the garden. My fig tree has set fruit and they are getting larger and not falling to the ground. I snuck out of the house the other day to get a quick glance at the tree! Don't tell on me! Hope I can get some photos when the figs are ready to pick. This will be the first good crop. Yay!

Thanks for listening.


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Your comments are always welcome and they mean so much to me. Blessings to you.


Some Additional Special Photos


Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Family (2014)

Happy Family (2014)
Grandma Pride

Valentine's Day 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

Bud Mietz

Bud Mietz
1928 - 2014