Tuesday, July 15, 2014

More About My Wonderful Wheels

I wrote that I would tell you more about my Knee Walker/Scooter. It is fabulous!

This is what it looks like - - - - - - - - - -  and it is such a big help.


At the last Orthopedic appointment (when the cast was applied) we talked to the doctor about how difficult the crutches were to use. He ordered a wheel chair. We already had a wheel chair and it also was difficult to deal with. Note that I was very fortunate that my church Parish Care procured and delivered a wheelchair two days (Sunday) after my accident.

Well anyway, I asked the doctor about a scooter that you rest your knee on. It was only recent that I became aware that such a thing existed. It was a few month ago while I was TV surfing when I viewed The People's Court and saw Judge Marilyn Milian wheeling into court on a scooter with her foot up following foot surgery. It got my attention and I took note of it, I guess because I am retired as a nurse.

Thank you, Judge Marilyn.

Perhaps, the doctors do not suggest the Knee Scooter because Medical Insurance (Medicare) doesn't pay for it, even the rental. What a shame. But, mine is rented ($80 per month) and I am thrilled to have it. And, I will be very glad when I do not need it! 

Take good care of yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I am so glad you were able to get the scooter. Hope you continue to heal nicely.


Your comments are always welcome and they mean so much to me. Blessings to you.


Some Additional Special Photos


Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Family (2014)

Happy Family (2014)
Grandma Pride

Valentine's Day 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

Bud Mietz

Bud Mietz
1928 - 2014