I am so very concerned about her! She has had one chemo treatment and has started having adverse reactions, which is to be expected. She lives alone and is in her mid seventies. And, I have begun to think that she is not capable of doing this on her own. She is very confused most of the time about her medications and schedules. Her daughter who lives a little more than 100 miles ( 2-1/2 hours drive) from here would like her to live with her for the time being and receive her treatment there. But, of course, she wants to stay in her own home. As time goes by, she may change her mind. And, I sure hope she does. I am so worried about her.
I have spent as much time with her as I possibly can. And, MSM has become very unhappy with the amount of time, primarily because I have my own health issues. I need to reduce my own stress level. I am counting the days until I can go for my appointment with the Spinal Specialist. We have gotten a hotel room for the night before since the appointment is early in the day. And, we plan to return home the same day as the anticipated treatment.
We are spending a quiet New Year's Eve here at home with lots of good food/bubblie and munchies to welcome in the New Year.
Be Safe and have Lots of Fun.