Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Who Are Demeter and Persephone
How is that for a title. Any guesses?
First of all, this is the first day of WINTER. Does that help?
Well, let me tell you the story about Demeter and Persephone. "According to Greek mythology, they were goddesses who ruled over the growth and death of the earth's vegatation.
One day, Demeter, goddess of all growing things, could not find her beloved daughter, Persephone. For nine days she search and asked after the child, but no one had seen her.
On the 10th day, Triptolemus told how the earth opened up and a chariot drawn by black horses appeared and disappeared, the drivers face obscured but his right arm tightly clasping a struggling maiden.
Demeter then knew that Hades, god of the underworld, had stolen Persephone, probably in collusion with his brother Zeus, ruler of the gods.
Demeter refused to return to Olympus, home of the gods, and wandered the earth, lamenting her loss and forbidding the trees to yield fruit and the fields to bear grain. Gifts and sweet-talk failed to move Demeter. Zeus was powerless to save the race of man.
Zeus sent a message to Hades, and they agreed to release Persephone if only she had not eaten the food of the dead. Persephone, though sorely tempted, had not eaten a bit from a crust of bread nor a sip of water.
Their ruse having failed, Zeus and Hades were obliged to release Persephone to her mother's arms, when a gardener appeared, claiming to have seen Persephone eat six seeds of a pomegranate plucked from Hades orchard.
Demeter remained adamant. and Hades was forced to release Persephone. Save for 3 months when she would rule with Hades as Queen of the underworld.
It is during those 3 month that nothing grows while Demeter mourns the annual loss of her beloved daughter Persephone. And that is why we have WINTER."
So, there you have it. Just a little more trivia!
These lovely pieces of garden wall art were given to me by a friend who included this story of the origin and inspiration for the artist.
Happy Holidays,
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Jingle Nose
Jingle Nose by Connie Togel from Sheep Incognito. Take a look at her fun and colorful masterpieces.
http://www.charisma-art.com Outstanding!
Note by the artist. The sheep can’t stand reindeer harnesses – we tried. Noses work infinitely better for attaching bells to sheep.
Have fun.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Basketweave Scarf
Another Christmas gift finished! This pattern is called Basketweave Scarf designed by Ann Budd. It is available on knittingdaily web site. It worked up nicely with some Filatura De Crosa italian wool yarn that I purchased a long time ago on ebay. After washing in wool wash and blocking, it feels very soft. It is about 60 inches long and I am very pleased. And, I thing the recipient will like it.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Oatmeal Cinnamon Chip Cookies
I am feeling the holiday spirit and have drifted into the kitchen to do some holiday baking. These cookies are really good. The recipe is on the back of the cinnamon chips package by Hersey's. I can't show photos of the kitchen because it is a real mess. I don't remember making such messes when baking in the past. Oh well, I'll clean it up soon. Perhaps, after I make another batch of cookies.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Pink Parfait Is Finished
Yes, another shawl for charity knitting is finished. Our group meets at a World Mercantile and this photo was taken there just before I gave it to the group for distribution to someone in need. I almost forgot to take a photo but I am glad I remembered after I was at the meeting.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
When The White Snow Falls
When the white snow falls
as if the sky was floating gently to the ground
The cool air around me
at winter time
blows the snow around in various circles
And the white ground looks as if painted
everywhere around
covered all about
The children
having snowball fights
in the mist of nature's masterpiece
Enjoying themselves
on nature's wonderful time of year
And some inside
on an open fire
roasting marshmellows
'til they're brown and crisp
And others still
inside their homes
decorating trees with shiny ornaments
making nature's masterpiece
even better than it was
-by Alexander
When the white snow falls
as if the sky was floating gently to the ground
The cool air around me
at winter time
blows the snow around in various circles
And the white ground looks as if painted
everywhere around
covered all about
The children
having snowball fights
in the mist of nature's masterpiece
Enjoying themselves
on nature's wonderful time of year
And some inside
on an open fire
roasting marshmellows
'til they're brown and crisp
And others still
inside their homes
decorating trees with shiny ornaments
making nature's masterpiece
even better than it was
-by Alexander
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
It Is Snowing
And the power went off at 9AM and did not come back on until 4:30 PM! When I changed the blog banner a couple days ago, I never thought we were going to have snow this soon. But then, we did have snow on Christmas Day last year.
I think it is so pretty. Since we do not get snow very often, it is always a thrill for me to see the snow.
Growing up in Southern California, we did not see snow but rarely.
All the the shrubs are weighted down with the snow. Some of the branches are probably broken because of the weight of the snow.
Can you see the blue table set under the snow?
Hope you are having a warm and cozy day.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Red And White
Just a little post and pictures of some dishcloths that I finished last night. They will be gifts for seven of my friends that I am having dinner with tonight. A click on the photo will show you the different knit stitches that I used. It was fun!
Hope you are having a wonderful Holiday Season.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Repetitive Parfait Motion
Sometimes rhythmic motion can be very therapeutic. There has been one thing that has helped me during the past days when I have not been feeling like my "ol' self" and that is the rhythm of knitting. But, the knitting has to be simple Garter Stitch without a specific pattern. Since I am knitting for people in less fortunate situations than myself it makes me feel good to be doing something for others. I guess that compassion is in my DNA. My nursing career was based on service for others and I enjoyed that aspect very much.
So, let's take a look at what I have been up to. It is another shawl. No surprise there! A simple item, nothing extraordinary but enjoyable.
It is smaller than the Tudor and Baroque afghan that I finished lately. It is definitely a shawl that will be about 20 inches wide and 60 inches long. The pattern is on the wrapper of the Lion Brand Homespun yarn that I am using. The color is Parfait. I should have it finished in a day or two.
I am still working on the Shoulder Wrap with the lace stitch collar. I am more than 3/4th finished on the collar. The stitch is a little too tedious for me to work on when I am not feeling "on top of my game". But, I am really looking forward to getting back to it.
The dark yarn color Corinthian makes it a little more difficult for me to work on in the evening. Natural day light makes it a lot easier. If I use the same pattern again I will use a solid color yarn so that the lovely lace pattern will show better. I am quite sure I will be making more than one of these shawls.
In the past, I never liked this yarn very much. I really did not like working with it and never thought I would ever buy any more of it. But, since starting charity knitting/crocheting, I have changed my mind. That's a women's right, isn't it?
I hope all of you are having a Fabulous day.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A Beautiful Sight
Since I have nothing of interest to post about, I have been surfing blogland and I have come upon a blog that I would like to share with you. I don't think Karen will mind if I share my enthusiasm in her new sewing room with you. This room was created in a month following an unfortunate (to say the least) house event that involved severe water damage.
If you like to sew/quilt, this is the "TO DIE FOR SEWING ROOM". Look at all that floor space, wall space and storage space! And, the creme de la creme - - those WINDOWS and VIEW. Go take a look.
Sew Many Ways has just finished an exquisite black and white sewing room. The colors are only part of what make this room so special. I dare you to find something missing in her design. It looks like it has all of the elements that you could want to make it not only functional but gorgeous! She is my kind of gal. One who likes to repurpose furniture, create useful things and do-it-yourself or maybe do-it-sister type of person.
Day by day, I am getting my strength back after my recent medication reaction.
Hope all of you are having a good Saturday.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Make That Turkey Stop
He makes me tired just watching him. He does not know how tenacious I can be. This is what happened last year when I set out to find a turkey! All kidding aside, last years turkey was delicious. It is hard to go wrong with a roasted turkey.
I have always enjoyed cooking and still do quite a lot of cooking. I don't have the sense to stop looking at recipes. Is that one of the criteria for loving to cook? Perhaps, it is just another addiction. The difference between now and then (when I was young) is the long list of favorites (which means, must try) are on the computer and have taken the place of magazine clippings. I can't deny that I still clip a few magazines!
Aside from turkey chasing, I am feeling very poorly. I had to stop the new medication. I talked to the doctor last night. I don't know where I go from here. The one and only thing I know for sure is that I can not wait until this medication is out of my system. I have had one $#*&@ of a week that I never want to repeat. I have come to believe that the ?cure is worse than the problem! After 16 years of trying to find a medication, I should have know better. The only difference in this medication from last time I tried to use it is the "time released" factor. I did not want to be a quitter or I would have stopped taking it sooner. This way, there is no doubt in my head that this medication or any in the same category which I have probably already tried are NOT for me. Pain is one thing but incapacitation is a very different "kettle of fish", especially when you inflict it on yourself. OK, I 'm putting this chapter on the book shelf never to be read again. I will continue hopefulness in science bringing us something other than pills for pain!
I am looking forward to feeling well enough to drive the car and getting out and about, especially since we are having wonderful Thanksgiving weather.
Wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Are You Getting Ready
For Christmas?
What fun it is to make these colorful and quick dishcloths. The Peaches and Creme cotton yarn is so easy to work with. I have gifted many friends with these little packages of love. They are always received with enthusiasm.
This is a spontaneous "pick-up" project that drew my attention this morning. Unfortunately, this is another morning/day of light-headedness and dizziness from the new medication. I am really having trouble just staying awake let alone walking around. I am hanging in there as long as I stay safe. I am waiting patiently for the side effects to diminish! I will be going to physical therapy this coming week and I have to get steadier on my feet.
Have a Fun and Creative day.
Friday, November 20, 2009
It Only Takes One
Yes, it only took one pill to make a difference. I took the medication at bedtime as prescribed. When I awoke in the night to change positions I was pleasantly surprised when my pain was not as intense. It has been such a long time since I have felt that kind of relief. However, I noticed that it caused me to have a low level of irritating sensation to my skin causing me to want to scratch. I hope in time that my body will adjust and I will not have that feeling. Unfortunately, the most significant side-effect for me was waking up with feelings of light-headedness and dizziness. The light-headed feeling persisted throughout the day! And, after taking another pill last night, I am feeling very dizzy again this morning. I will use the medication for awhile and watch the side effects with hopes of them becoming less troublesome. This medication is giving me a lot of hope.
I have a free 14-day supply from the pharmaceutical company. A new dilemma has arisen. I checked my medication insurance plan and I was shocked. Most of my medications are generic and they have a very low co-pay. That is NOT the case with this medication. For a ninety day supply my co-pay will be $238.95! Yikes. I am so thankful that I have insurance. Without insurance it would be $489.42 for the three months supple. If I have success with this medication, I must find some way to purchase it.
I am so excited about the possibility of this medication working for me.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It Speaks To Me
I don't feel like I am very interesting these days of late so I am going to leave you with this stunning photo of a green eyed cat with a message that speaks to me.
I am planning on seeing a Neurologist after the first of the year. His office is out of this area but if I don't pursue another opinion I will never know.
LOOK at those eyes. I think they are great!
Take good care of yourself.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Not much to say. Unfortunately, the majority of the appointment was spent with him telling me how bad my MRI's looked and pointing out the most severe areas. The long and the short of it is that he prescribed more narcotic medication. Because I have so many side effects from narcotic pain medication, he ordered a slow-release narcotic for me to take at bedtime.
It is taking me a little time to come to terms with the situation because I let myself have some false hope in finding something new that I had not done in the past that would give me some relief. I am back to "just live with it" and that is exactly what I will continue to do. Where is my "half-full glass"? Oh, I think I will find it soon! I need to reflect on my Sunday blessings.
Take good care of your neck and low back. You will be thankful later. I always had a good income while working as a nurse but have paid a high price with forced 12 years early retirement and loss of retirement income besides living many years with pain.
I think I will go out and get some sunshine.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday Blessings
Sunday is a day that I try to make a list of the most recent blessings whether big or small. It helps me to focus on what is really important in this life. At the top of my list today is a huge blessing! I am so blessed and thankful to be ambulatory without any fractures or head neurological issues subsequent to the fall that I had in the garage recently. Yes, I have continual pain but I hope to get some benefit from my medical appointment tomorrow.
Maybe I could make some lemonade today since I have more lemons at the moment than what I want!
Would you share a lemonade toast (make that a hot spiced lemonade) to all the goodness in the world.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Another Shoulder Wrap
I am on my way to finishing another shoulder wrap for my charity knitting. These colors are very cheerful but not so bright as some that I have used in the past. Again, this is a simple knit stitch but with a decorative edge. It actually will have a collar that will go across the top and down the sides. I am excited about seeing how it is going to turn out.
Doesn't it look nice with the Burning Bush as a backdrop. The leaves are starting to fall from the bush and now the ground beneath it is a brilliant red color. Oh, the joy of watching the seasons changing of the colors.
My knitting/crocheting group is meeting this coming Monday afternoon and I hope I am able to go. I have my medical appointment in the morning and there is quite a distance between the two locations. And, we never know how long it will take for medical appointments. Unfortunately, this medical office has a reputation for long waiting times. In the past, I have waited as long as two hours! When they are good and in demand it seems as though waiting is not unusual. It will be good to get a current medical assessment.
Take care of yourself and I hope you have a Fabulous Autumn day and enjoy the beauty of the colors.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Do You Like It
If you like bright colors this is for you. It was a fun and fast project. Something that was easy to pick up and crochet a few rows. Since my fall in the garage, my arms don't allow me to work very long on any project. But, that will get better in time. I am happy to be able to pass this wrap along to someone that can use a little shoulder warmth and a hug from a hand crocheted gift.
I think I found a nice closure. I was thinking that I would be putting some string ties on it. However, after reconsideration, I thought about the way string ties can get tangled, etc. in the wash. This closure almost gives the feel of a "little jewelry".
The leaves are coming down, down and down. I guess it will be awhile before I can do any outdoor garden cleanup. Day by day, my symptoms are improving but I really don't want to stir them up "to a roar" again.
Send someone a HUG today.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Where Do I Begin
Well, I guess I will try to make this as concise as I can but doubt that I can be as brief as I would like. I really don't like talking about my issues in life, especially physical problems. After all, everyone "has issues"! I work hard on focusing on the "GLASS HALF FULL " philosophy. However, a blog friend of mine has referred to me on her blog (which I appreciate) about our stations in life at the present time being "under construction".
It is time that I mention that I took a fall in my garage several days ago which involved twisting my spine, falling to the floor and hitting the back of my head. No symptoms of concussion but severe pain in arms and back. If you follow my blog, you will know why I say that I am thankful that I wasn't on the roof cleaning off the leaves! See - http://www.everydaydelight09.blogspot.com/2009/10/fall-fashion.html.
I have always been extremely careful and this is the first time anything like this has happened to me. Even though I have a long history of spine problems including a failed lumbar surgery (including residual nerve damage disabilities), I continue to be as active as I can. I generally resist taking any narcotic pain medication. I do not like the side effects and I need to be able to function. At one time, I had a morphine pump for pain management. But, what good is it to have less pain if you are too lethargic to live a life with any meaning? Besides, I don't have anyone to take care of me. Wow, this is difficult to write about.
I am not a surgical candidate because of the severity of the cumulative trauma, aging (yes, that naughty word) and congenital abnormalities in my lumbar spine. And, my cervical spine is symptomatic (arm pain and numbness) but I do not have enough vertebral bone left to do a fusion unless they rebuild the spine with wire caging and donor bone. No thank you!
That is a snapshot of what I am living with. Hey, I am still alive and don't look too bad for 70 years of age. It is amazing how good a nice smile can make you look!!
Anyway - - - I have had to take narcotic pain medication to try to break the intensity of the pain cycle. It is helping. At least, that is what I am going to tell you.
Monday, I have an appointment with a Physiatrist (Rehab-Pain Specialist) to obtain current diagnostics and discuss any available current treatment modalities that I may not be aware of and that may have potential benefit for me. My "church family" have offered assistance and call frequently. I love those blessings. Oh, and Lily has been her ever loving self never annoyed with me and giving lots and lots of love - love - and more love! Aren't pets fabulous?
Previously, I said that I can not live without my "little red wagon" and this is one of the reasons. Right now (more than ever) I have to eliminate any lifting and carrying that isn't absolutely necessary.
I am a strong person and in my heart I know that before long, I'll be up and running again! Thank you Sara for your kindness and support. It is greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
In The Kitchen
This recipe is nice and quick and easy. Block Party Beans can easily be modified depending on what you have in your pantry. This time I followed the recipe as written. Sometimes I add a can of chopped tomatoes and chili powder if I don't have canned chili beans in the pantry.
If you can use a can opener you can prepare this recipe!
As you can see by the television screen, this is the day we remembered our Military Services following the tragic shooting at Fort Hood, Texas last Thursday. It was a nice tribute to our men and women and a very sad day that will be recorded in our history and never to be forgotten.
As usual, the beans turned out very tasty! And, their calorie count is lower than some recipes with crispy bacon (1/2 lb) that I like to make and LOVE TO EAT. I have several recipes that I have gathered through the years for beans that never disappoint!
If you like being in the kitchen, this is a great time of year to stay warm and cozy near a warm oven.
Hope you are having a Lovely day.
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