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Monday, September 08, 2014

Have You Heard - Murphys Hotel On TV Tomorrow with Gordon Ramsay

Yes, tomorrow evening Murphys Hotel will be all a buzz with lots of people and pot luck (dining room will be closed) food and large TV screens for viewing the second episode of this seasons program of Gordon Ramsay's Hotel Hell.

The lead-in for the show is "A Northern California Landmark has succumbed to a raucous party atmosphere that is preventing guests from getting any rest". I live very close (seven houses away) to the Hotel and did not know that the noise had become a problem. But then, I have never slept there! OK, the saloon does get a little noisy. I guess it has just become background noise that I can block out. However, I would not like to live any closer! It is really nice to live close to town, which is only five blocks long! And, those few blocks are filled with wine tasting rooms, boutiques and restaurants of many different cuisines.

It just so happened (a little coincidental) that we had lunch al fresco on the patio of the hotel yesterday. And, I took a few pictures.

The outdoor seating is plentiful and very pleasant even on a warm day, There was a nice breeze blowing through the umbrellas. We were sitting near this old wagon from days gone by which adds a nice touch to the historic atmosphere.

We have eaten at the hotel many times both inside and out. The food is generally quite good. The historic ambiance is very entertaining.

Shrimp Louie - anyone?

Or maybe, Caesar Salad with Chicken?

The trees were in pretty pink blooms.

And, this outside bar is a nice addition to the patio seating since last year when Gordon Ramsay started filming the episode of Hotel Hell in June 2013. Some very nice changes and additions were completed throughout the establishment because of his professional recommendations.

I will be watching FOX at 9 PM tomorrow night to see what is in the future for our Murphys Hotel.

Have a Great Day.


1 comment:

  1. I saw this program while I was in Boston last week. Wow, what a change to the hotel after Gordon Ramsey was finished with his makeover. We did peak in the lobby last year while visiting Murphys, but never ate at the restaurant.


Your comments are always welcome and they mean so much to me. Blessings to you.


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