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Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Lily Goes To The Lake

On the road again - - - I love spontaneity! Let's jump in the car and go to the lake? Sounds fine to me even though we were there last weekend!

Labor Day afternoon was a good time to travel up the hill while all the tourists were coming down the hill. The cars were backed up about seven miles. I hope a good time was had by all. The weekend weather seemed so perfect.

We were back sitting under the umbrellas. But, this time with Lily.

She thought there was excitement overload and loved every minute of it.

There was so much going on and there were a lot of other dogs, big and small. It was great.

After a very good lunch, it was time to get close to the water. So, we carried some lawn chairs down to a shady spot to enjoy the beauty.

I took Lily down to the water and she quickly walked out into the beautiful clear water.

There was so much to see.

And, then it was time to head down the hill and return home. Beautiful drive home with very few cars.


By evening time, we had a very tired little doggie who was ready for bed. It is remarkable, to me anyway, that she is so good about getting ready for bed and stands patiently as her diaper is put on. And, she usually sleeps through the night. She has certainly adapted to her new routine with her medications and so forth. Yes, we truly love this little gal.

Hug your pets often.


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