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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Won A Table Centerpiece

As hard as I try to get back to regular blogging, it just isn't happening. I think I may be making it too difficult for myself because I am always wanting to make it as interesting as I can and also include photos! Life has been rather hectic with medical issues and trying to find enough time to "please everyone" and yet have time for myself to "catch my breath", occasionally. I am certain that the majority of you are relating to what I am trying to say. So, with that said, I will try to pop in for a visit a little more often. It seems as though once you get out of the rhythm of daily (or almost daily) blogging something happens to your brain and you spend more time thinking about "must blog" than doing it!

As you know, I can never have too many flowers or garden related things in my life. Look at this lovely wildflower plant that I won at a Ladies Day Luncheon given by a California organization called SIRS (Sons In Retirement) this past week. It was a very nice affair with lots of lovely people. Yes, there always are social events to enjoy but it takes some effort to find the time to keep MSM happy.

The name of this plant in Clarkia Amoena "Godetia" and it is spectacular! It is an annual and I hope it will reseed next year. 

That's it for today.

Wishing you a Fabulous Day.


Some Additional Special Photos


Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Family (2014)

Happy Family (2014)
Grandma Pride

Valentine's Day 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

High School (1957) Friends Of Mine On The Left Live In New York and We Met In Canada In 2011

Bud Mietz

Bud Mietz
1928 - 2014